Do you occasionally look at your partner and wonder what happened to that incredible person you married? Or, loving one another as you do, wish to find that spark again?
Landgraf Retreats can help.

A retreat with John and Laura Landgraf will give you the perfect jumpstart.
Our unique retreat model was devised over time as we watched what had long term results for the couples we worked with. One couple at a time, for five consecutive mornings, garnered more retention of principles learned, the chance to practice new models of communication, rest and relaxation in the afternoons and evenings, with a little homework thrown in for contemplation. It is personalized, intensive, extremely focused, and accomplishes an incredible amount of work on your behalf in a short amount of time. It works.
The two of us, as a team, work with one couple at a time (or, one individual at a time). Our retreat takes place five consecutive days. It’s intense, to be sure, but worth your time and energy because what you experience will be a deep and highly effective – a game changer.
You won’t see an agenda. Instead, each retreat is designed with your specific interests, needs, desires and goals. We begin this process by talking with you in a pre-retreat phone interview to determine where you are in your relationship; our compatibility with your desires for the retreat; and your readiness for it.
As your retreat approaches, we will send you some ‘pre-retreat’ homework. These assessments, along with your initial consultation, will provide the building blocks we need to ensure that you

Combine a week’s vacation with an investment in yourself!
Blend your vacation with an expertly guided program of rest, relaxation, reflection, and renewal.
Enhance your love relationship, or your personal life, while getting some R & R in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
You’ll be glad you did!